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Tech Support
Travel Support
CFS and Rank Advancement
Professional Development
Benefit Support

How do I find the email address or phone number for a student, staff, or faculty?

In Outlook: click on “To” in the address line and then search in the "Global Address List" (will work for all term-activated students, staff, and faculty).

In Student Center: click on the student name in your class roll.

On an IP Phone: click the top right icon for the directory and chose corporate directory.

In Stellic: type in the student name into the “Search” field.

Who are the deans and program administrative assistants and how do I reach them?

How can I customize my IP phone?

How do I report a problem or get help with IT? (Office of Information Technology, Call Center and Help desk (808) 675-3921)

Who is my IT customer service representative (CSR)? (OIT)

How do I request equipment or software, etc. more than $300? (institutional discounts) (OIT)

CFS and Rank Advancement

Due to confidentiality and privacy matters, for sample portfolios, contact colleagues in your Faculty or across campus.