BYU–Hawaii Professorship Award
Request for Proposals
Brigham Young University–Hawaii encourages all faculty to engage in continuous development and improvement in scholarship. In order to support scholarship, and to highlight its importance for faculty, the university is offering a professorship award. Scholarship may be hampered because of a lack of resources (funds, equipment, time, student support, etc.) for the faculty to achieve the level of research or scholarship at which they ultimately wish to perform. This award is to help address those concerns for faculty who would like to push themselves to a higher level of scholarship. The professorship will be a one-year award that can be renewed for up to two additional years based on successfully attaining predetermined objectives, goals, and quality of the scholarship, and available resources. An additional professorship will be awarded each year so that after two years, three concurrent professorships could be in place.
The goals for BYU–Hawaii in offering the professorship award are the following:
- Encourage a higher level of scholarship and highlight its importance for faculty
- Foster scholarly collaboration amongst both faculty and students
- Reward faculty for pushing themselves in the area of scholarship
- Foster scholarship at all levels of faculty rank (assistant professor, associate professor, and professor)
The Award
The professorship award is flexible in nature, and faculty are encouraged to be creative in their approach. The award could be used to obtain equipment, travel funds, student support, release time/hiring of adjunct faculty for replacement, etc. A successful proposal will take a moderate approach to the budget, but how the funds are used is flexible within the existing university rules and guidelines. Faculty proposals may also request up to nine (9) credits of releases a year with the agreement of relevant director(s)/dean(s) for a maximum of eighteen (18)-credit releases over the entire length of the award (if the project will last more than one year, up to three years).
Encouraged Criteria
The Professorship Award is intended to inspire creativity and all disciplines within BYU–Hawaii are welcome to apply and the following criteria are encouraged.
- Collaboration within or across Faculty units (proposal submitted by principal investigator).
- Scholarship in our home region (Oceania and Asian Rim).
- Student participation is highly favorable.
- Open to any rank.
Proposal Requirements
A completed proposal for the BYU–Hawaii Professorship Award should have the following components in one single PDF file:
- Cover letter.
- An abstract.
- Detailed proposal (should include rationale & justification, research question(s), literature review, theoretical framing & methodology, anticipated analysis, a bibliography when applicable, and should be no more than 2000 words (not including the bibliography).
- Budget (including details regarding travel, number of course releases requested, student hires, etc. if essential for the project).
- List of objectives and deliverables for each year (up to three years).
- Letter of support from director(s)/dean(s).
- Other documentation as necessary (such as IRB approval, and CITI certification if applicable).
Completed proposals should be submitted to Yifen Beus at
Selection Process
There is a two-step process:
- Academic merit recommendation (FAC).
- Feasibility of the budget and final approval (AVP).
After the proposals are received by the associate academic vice president (AAVP) for Faculty, they will be given to the Faculty Advisory Committee to judge them based on academic merit. The FAC may and is encouraged to receive input from subject matter experts inside/outside of the university to better understand the merits and feasibility of the proposals. A recommendation of the rank order of the proposals will be delivered to the AAVP and the Academic Vice President for negotiation of the budget and final selection of the award.
Review Rubric Criteria:
- Significance of the project.
- Appropriate research method & sound theory of the discipline.
- Feasibility in relation to time and scope.
- Mentoring and student development.
- Target area relevance.
- Meaningful outcomes.
- Modest & reasonable resources requested.
Award Deliverables
Faculty presented with the Professorship Award will be expected to provide the following deliverables:
- Stewardship/progress report to the AAVP at the end of each academic year (by the end of June).
- Presentation at a FAC Forum and a professional conference.
- A scholarly product beyond a presentation (performance, publication, work of art, etc.).
- Student presentations at BYU–Hawaii’s undergrad conference or professional conference are highly desirable.
The Professorship Award is a one-year renewable award for up to three years pending performance and availability of funds. There is no expectation that the award should be greater than one or two years in length should the applicant wish for a shorter time frame. At the end of each academic year, there will be a stewardship report and subsequent meeting, if needed, with the AAVP for Faculty and/or AVP. The AAVP may invite subject matter experts and representatives of the Deans Council and FAC to the stewardship meeting. The AAVP and dean(s) in communication with the AVP will determine if the award should be renewed for another year if requested.
Proposed Timeline
- FAC-sponsored RFP forum: December or January before the submission deadline.
- Proposal submission deadline: March 10 (including dean’s support letter).
- Submission review: March 13-April 30 (FAC).
- Notification of awardee(s): by May 15.
- Professorship Award start date: first day of the following fall semester.
* Direct all questions to the Office of AAVP–Faculty.