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The GSS was reorganized made user-friendly for graduating students
Results were shared with all departments using online survey report links for each graduation cohort
Online links to survey results were added to BYU–Hawaii accreditation website
Questions and survey results usage continue to be evaluated and monitored
SurveyMonkey Version 2 (December 2006 to August 2007)
Student research team (mentored by Dr. Ronald M. Miller, Psychology Department) reviewed survey and results from 2003 to 2006
Questions were randomly assigned in the survey (scrambled)
Instrument was tested for statistical reliability and validity
A factor analysis was completed
Additional questions were added to assess intercultural understanding and leadership
A survey for campus departments was conducted to see how useful the Graduating Student Survey was to departments and how it could be improved (see survey results)
Report summaries were completed for several departments undergoing program review
SurveyMonkey Version 1 (December 2003 to December 2006)
Easier way to create/modify surveys and share immediate feedback
A few questions were revised or updated
Response scale was revised to a six-point scale (“Very Poor” to “Excellent”)
A paper version was added in 2004 to reach students living in remote areas without access to computers (see sample survey)
GE assessment questions were added in 2006
Results were shared with all departments using online survey report links for each graduation cohort
First On-line Version (Sept. 2001 to June 2003)
Generally used the same questions as the paper version but in an online format
Students typed their own responses
Required hard code programming on the University’s website (took a great deal of time and energy to develop and implement)
Difficulty changing questions or distributing information to departments
Used to Benchmark satisfaction with University services
Aligned to University mission
BYU IR office (Provo) provided reports and statistical analysis of the data (see July 2001 report)
First GSS Version (1999-2000)
Created first survey with assistance of the IR office
Printed on a scan-able form using Testing Center scanners to create the data file for analysis
Questions focused on retention
Flexible 7-pt. Scale (“Very Low” to “Very High”)
Essay (1999 and prior years)
Graded by English Faculty
Students self-select one of seven essays
In 1999, the Reading/Writing Center was asked by the IR office to summarize essay comments and to provide student feedback on programs and the University as a whole (This was a very difficult task to do with open-ended essays questions not initially designed for this purpose)