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Surveys and Studies

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

About the Survey

Each year between 2002 and 2008 BYU–Hawaii has participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement (*NSSE). Information from the survey is shared with academic and administrative leaders and departments. Faculty-mentored student research groups worked with the Office of Planning, Institutional Research, Assessment and Testing (PIRAT) to produce reports and presentations to help the university engage in discussions about improving educational effectiveness and student learning. After 2008, BYU–Hawaii will be participating in NSSE every two to three years.

*NSSE collects information annually from samples of first year and senior students about the nature and quality of their undergraduate experience. Since its inception, approximately 1,200 baccalaureate degree-granting colleges and universities in the US and Canada have used the instrument to measure the extent to which students engage in effective educational practices that are empirically linked with learning, personal development, and other desired outcomes such as student satisfaction, persistence, and graduation. NSSE data are used by faculty, administrators, researchers, and others for institutional improvement, accountability, and related purposes. Launched by a generous grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts, since 2003 the NSSE project has been supported by institutional participation fees.