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AQ History


  • The online survey was modified significantly to align with other efforts (Graduating Student Survey, Next Destination Survey and Alumni Survey) to gather information to support the assessment of institutional learning outcomes and university goals. In addition, academic programs were given the opportunity to add up to 10 of their own questions that would be answered only by those who graduated from their departments. The online survey was administered to both the 2010 and 2011 graduating class. A 12-Year Report describing key findings from respondents on common questions asked of graduates in the 1998-2009 graduating cohorts was created by staff in Provo.


  • An online survey was administered to the 2009 graduating class.


  • An online survey was administered to the 2008 graduating class.


  • An online survey was administered to the 2007 graduating class.


  • An online survey was administered to the 2006 graduating class. A 5-Year Report describing key findings from respondents in the 2001-2006 graduating cohorts was created by staff in Provo.


  • An online survey was administered to the 2005 graduating class.


  • The online survey was slightly modified and graduates from 2004 were emailed an online survey link during winter semester. 46% (182 graduates) completed the survey. During the summer, several student researchers mentored by a BYU–Hawaii faculty member looked at trends in responses from alumni (1998 to 2004). Alumni comments were also analyzed by SPSS text analysis software.


  • An online survey was administered during spring 2007 to the 2003 graduating class. 50% (190 graduates) completed the survey.


  • Graduates from the class of 2002 participated in an online survey developed by Provo during fall 2005 and results were reported in spring 2006. 50% (158 graduates) completed the survey. During 2006, a student worker also compiled data from the 1998 to 2002 graduates. Some questions had changed, so only similar questions could be compared and statistical analysis of the data was limited.


  • During summer 2005 BYU Hawaii also experimented with an online version of an alumni survey which was emailed to all graduates with an email address (about 3,000 in the database). 609 alumni responded to this survey.


  • Graduates from 2001 completed the paper-pencil version of the survey. 108 graduates responded and the report was released in May 2005.


  • BYU–Hawaii graduates from 2000 were mailed the paper-pencil version of the AQ. 102 graduates responded to the survey. The report was available in June 2004.


  • BYUH again participated jointly with Provo in an Alumni Questionnaire for the 1999 graduates. 82 graduates responded to the survey. The report was available in June 2003.


  • From December 2000 to January 2001, a locally developed “alumni update” was mailed to 2663 BYU–Hawaii graduates from 1990 to 2000 (84% of the 3140 graduates had mailing addresses). 150 or 5.6% were not deliverable, leaving 2513 or 80% that were delivered. 914 surveys were completed and returned by Alumni, for an adjusted response rate of 36.4%. This was a brief, one-page survey with questions about current employment, whether or not they had returned to their home country if they were international students, participation in graduate school, and church activities.
  • During 2001, BYU–Hawaii participated jointly with Provo in an Alumni Questionnaire (AQ) for the 1998 graduates. The report was released in spring 2002 and 28% (81 graduates) responded to the survey. This was a 12-page, paper & pencil survey that was mailed to graduates with valid mailing addresses in the BYU alumni database (AS400).


  • BYU–Hawaii IR office mailed a survey to alumni.