Student Research: Guidelines for Application Skip to main content

Student Research: Guidelines for Application

Qualifications for All Applications

(Note: this applies to all student research and travel support programs)

  • Be mentored by a faculty mentor and also signed off by the faculty dean.
  • Have completed at least 60 credit hours before commencing work on a project.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Send the signed application form and full proposal to, with applicable subject line (SRA, SRT, or SPD application).

Additional Requirements for Approved Student Research Associateship (SRA)

  • Register for a 496R (Student Research Associateship) class for 1-3 credits, as determined by faculty mentor.
  • Be enrolled at BYU–Hawaii as a full-time student excluding the 496R class.
  • SRA is awarded for one semester and may not be renewed.
  • Each faculty mentor will review the student performance at the end of the associateship, and grades are assigned for 496R Student Research.
  • The faculty mentor will insure that there is continued benefit to the student and the university.
  • A final report will be submitted at the end of the research project and course, including full research paper, conference abstract, presentation outline, and documentation of presentations and publications.
  • The student applying for travel support has not received funding for travel to a previous conference for a similar project or in the same year.