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Curriculum Changes

Levels of Approval Needed

Curriculum At-A-Glance

Scroll to the right and to the bottom of the table to see the additional information.

# Type of Change UCC - Full EZ Form Needs Syllabus Needs Outcome Matrix + Assessment Data DC PC Board Report to NWCCU
1 New Course (*Zero Growth)-Includes conversion of 390R topics into actual courses w/course number x x x x
2 Change Course Number x x x x
3 Make active course inactive x
(If making the course inactive will change the total number of credit hours required for the program or if it will change the number of credit hours required for a core or required section on the requirement sheet then a full proposal is required.)
(If there is no change to the credit hours required for the program or core/required section of the requirement sheet)
4 Make inactive course active x
(If adding the active course to the core or required section of the requirement sheet and it will increase the total number of credit hours required for that section or if the total credits hours required for the program will change then a full proposal is required.)
(If there is no change to the credit hours required for the program or core/required section of the requirement sheet)
x x
5 390R Special Topics/Sections
*[New 10/15/21] For any new topics, the EZ form will need to be reviewed by two UCC members that are from different faculties than the submitting program.
x + reviewed by two UCC members not from submitting program's faculty x x
6 RS: Increase/Decrease Course or Core/Elective Total Credit Hours x x x
7 RS: Remove course from Core/Elective pool** x x x
8 RS: Add course to Core x x x
9 RS: Add course to Elective section x x
10 RS: Sequencing modifications x x
11 RS: Change Grading Rules (e.g. B- or better) x x x
12 RS: Adding 'or' options to core or elective section x
13 New course requiring course fee x + Course Fee Form x x x x
14 Increase/Decrease/Remove course fees for existing courses x + Course Fee Form x x (increase)
15 New Degree/Major/ Reactivate (*Zero Growth) x x x x x x
16 New Minor/Certificate/ Reactivate x x x x x x
17 New Emphasis/Concentration (*Zero Growth) x x x
18 Change Certificate to Minor (vice versa) x x x
19 Change Course Info (Title, catalog entry, decrease/remove/adding an 'or' prerequisites, add corequisite, equivalency, frequency, grading method, change of administrative responsibility, PLO's, CLO's) x x (title and catalog description changes) x
20 Increase/add prerequisites x x x
21 Change title of programs/concentration/emphasis x x x x
22 Deactivate Major x x x x x x
23 Deactivate Minor/Certificate x x x x x x
24 Change Modular Curriculum Category x x
25 Non degree programs that are academic credit bearing x x

Revised 03-07-24

*Zero Growth: If you are adding something new, you must remove/deactivate a major/emphasis/track/pathway/course. Refer to Section 2B.

**Exception: Addendums on EZ forms will be accepted to remove deactivated courses that were previously approved on a full proposal as long there are at least four other courses remaining in the elective pool and the required credit hour amount is not affected.

Note: Effective June 1, 2021 - Evidence of data on student learning explaining why this curriculum change is needed using data on student learning outcomes. (Include impacted student learning outcomes for the course/program). Add to the full proposal/EZ form an updated curriculum outcomes matrix.

Timeline for Curriculum Change Proposals

Full Proposals

  1. Submission to AAVP and Curriculum Services deadline is November 1.
  2. Reviewed by University Curriculum Council (UCC) beginning November 1.
  3. Approved proposals will take effect in the fall of the following year.

EZ Form

  1. Submission to AAVP and Curriculum Services deadline is November 1.
  2. Approved EZ forms effect dates will be the fall of the following year.
  3. EZ forms for 390R Special Topics will be accepted throughout the year.
    *[New October 15, 2021] For any new topics, the EZ form will need to be reviewed by two UCC members that are from different faculties than the submitting program.

Thank you for your efforts to look ahead. For further inquiries, please contact Curriculum Services at

Curriculum Change Proposal Forms

Email or should you have any questions.

Curriculum Change Proposals Database

Proposal Database

This database begins with the proposals from 2009 and continues to the present.

If you need to find a proposal that is not listed here or if you have a question or problem, feel free to email Brent Green at