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Curriculum Database of Proposals 2010

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10-322010-11-29ApprovedDwight Errol MillerArt Department Curriculum Redesign and Development of Graphic Design in the existing Visual Deign component of Art
10-312010-10-27ApprovedRoger Goodwill, Roger Gold, Randy DayBIOL Spring/First Term Support Courses
10-302010-11-04Barry MitchellELED 345 SOE Elem Ed Math Course
10-292011-01-25ApprovedBarry MitchellSchool of Education PE/Health Proposal (ELED 343)
10-2820-10-10-30ApprovedBarry MitchellASL as Gen Ed requirement
10-270000-00-00RejectedJeff Caneen, Helena HannonenWomen and Leadership Course
10-260000-00-00RevisingECON 300 and 301 Name Change; About 2/3 approved, but undergoing changes
10-250000-00-00On holdJeff Caneen, Helena HannonenGlobal Leadership Certificates
10-242010-10-30Conditional approvalKevin S. CastleProject Management
10-232010-10-28Aaron M. CurtisIT BS Major Requirements
10-222010-10-26ApprovedJames LeeIS 435
10-210000-00-00UneededRelationship Principles and Practices Course; This class is in the system for Winter and 9 students are registered for it.
10-202010-10-18ApprovedDavid PreeceHTM 270
10-192010-10-13Jeff CaneenHTM Major
10-182010-10-10ApprovedJAmes LeeIS 430 Prereq Revision
10-172010-10-07ApprovedMichael G. MurdockPolitical Science Prerequisite Strike
10-162010-10-15ApprovedGeoffrey M. DraperCS Streamlined
10-152010-09-30ApprovedLenard HuffBUSM Marketing Track
10-142010-10-12ApprovedYifen BeusICS Certificates
10-132010-09-30ApprovedJames RitchieWCIE Certificate
10-120000-00-00In catalogHospitality and Tourism Management Minor; Changes already printed in catalog so Max said the proposal is not needed
10-112010-09-20ApprovedKeinv S. CastleGlobal Skills Course
10-102010-05-18ApprovedErin FrederickBUSM Finance Track
10-092010-05-18ApprovedSaralyn Lopez camitBusiness Management
10-082010-05-14ApprovedMichael Murdock and Brian HoughtonPMG 360 Disaster Management
10-072010-05-14ApprovedMichael Murdock and Brian HoughtonPMGT 350 Crisis Management
10-062010-05-05Timothy D. StanleyIT 490R
10-050000-00-00ApprovedMark WolfersbergerEIL Curriculum Change
10-042010-04-05Kevin KimballAccounting Correction of Minor Courses - 1st Term 2010
10-032010-03-11ApprovedKevin KimballAccounting New Prerequisites - 1st Term 2010
10-022010-02-25ApprovedYifen BeusICS Senior Requirement
10-012010-03-04ApprovedLenard HuffBUSM Marketing